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How to Make Concrete Countertops Look Like Granite
Just like granite, concrete is a type of masonry that is very commonly used for countertops. One of the major advantages of concrete over natural stones like granite is that it is much less expensive and can be produced easily .
There is no doubt that concrete is sleek and modern and its popularity as a kitchen countertop is growing by the day because of its extremely low costs. But, if your heart is stuck on the marvelous designs and looks of granite, then concrete countertops will never be able to satisfy you. But hold on a second before you junk your existing concrete countertops, there’s some good news for you. The expert home designers of K&B Cabinets have found a solution for how to make concrete countertops look like granite with the help of a very realistic painted finish that may satisfy your longing for granite without the extra costs involved.
Give Concrete Countertops the Look of Granite
Do you want to know how to make concrete countertops look like granite in easy and simple steps? Read on to find out how:
- Take a clear plastic bucket and mix two parts of water with one part of degreasing cleanser in it. Gently wet a cloth with the solution by dipping it inside and clean your concrete countertops well. After cleaning, rinse them by wiping them with a cloth dampened with plain water. Then leave the countertops to air dry completely.
- Cover all the corners and edges of the counters where they meet the sink, cabinets, walls, and any other structures with a masking tape to protect these surfaces from any damage. Then cover large kitchen items and the floor with drop cloths to prevent paint splatter. You will want to cover the backsplashes completely with overlapped pieces of masking tape, if necessary.
- Take a black primer and pour it into a paint pan. Then take a paint roller and dip it into the primer and apply it evenly all over the top of the counters. When you get to applying the primer to the edges and trim of the countertops then change to a sponge brush. Leave alone the countertop to let the primer dry for at least six hours.
- To give the shiny look of granite, sprinkle the included minerals onto a sponge. Then gently pat the sponge onto the primed surface to make random mineral marks. Keep the application random and natural-looking just like a granite stone.
- Cover the countertop surface with a clear varnish topcoat, with the help of a paint roller and a clean sponge brush. Allow the topcoat to dry for eight hours. After drying, examine the countertop surface for uneven spots and sand them away with a fresh sandpaper of 320-grit.
How to Make Concrete Countertops Look Like Granite
Once you are completed with the steps mentioned, there you have a concrete countertop that looks and feels just like granite. With K&B Cabinets’ guide on how to make concrete countertops look like granite, you can get marvelous looking granite countertops at the price of concrete. Keep following our blogs to know more such interesting facts on how to beautify your living space.